Our Audit and Assurance section provides complete range of statutory audit, financial management and accounting services to international organizations, Government corporations, agencies, parastatals and broad range of other clients.
We also specialized in audit of Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs), Religious Bodies, Thrift and Savings Societies amongst others.
Our approach in this area is basically to relate your needs (statutory wise and policy guidelines of the instrument that governs the existence of your organization or company) to the operation of these organizations.
Our Audits are conducted in accordance with national and international accepted auditing standards.
In order to enable us carry out the above service effectively, we also make use of computer assisted techniques and software especially, where such organizations have computerized their operations. This method assists us to interrogate all your accounting software so as to form an opinion on their abilities to achieve the set objectives and also on the operation of the organization.
It is usual to report on the financial statements audited by us to the overall controlling organ of your organization. Apart from our opinion, we also write a letter to the management mentioning issues bordering on efficiency and effectiveness of the internal control procedures in use and make suggestions as to improving the existing ones. We also assist our clients in identifying where weak business controls could be strengthened while maintaining a strong line communications with clients.
We carry out accounting duties such as:
- Design and Installation of Internal Control systems
- Installation and Update of Accounting Systems
- Writing of Accounting Books
- Training and Re-training of Accounting Staff for greater efficiency and productivity.
Apart from our activity as statutory auditors, we may be engaged to carry out such services as internal auditing for your organization. In which case, we prepare report at the end of the period on which we are reporting.
The main objective of this is to ensure that all other internal control procedures are fool proof and suggestions for improvements are made as need be. At times of doubt, investigations on specific matters may be necessary. We offer our services at your disposal for riddance of such doubts.
If properly put in place together with proper accounting records, it will go a long way to reduce errors in the book keeping system, and others, such costs of external auditors remuneration, fines payables due to ignorantly flouting of the Companies and Allied Matters Decree of 1990.
We also provide information for management such as pro-forma income statements (forecasts) and budgets and executing investigations with a view to detecting potential fraud with recommendations for control measures. We also assist organizations in corporate finance and recovery services etc.